Family Life 1. List the members of your family (include name, age, occupation and grade/level of education): Father: Richard Hodson, 43, fireman, finished Naval College Mother: Fenella Hodson, 43, part-time secretary/nurse, finished 1 year polytechnic, and 1 year secretarial college Daughter: Alice Hodson, 15, student in 11th grade Daughter: Eleanor Hodson, 13, student in 9th grade 2. How large a family did each parent come from? Richard: 2 parents; 1 brother Fenella: 2 parents; 3 sisters 3. How much time does your family spend together at work and play? Play: Very little, everyone has individual interests. 4. How far do you commute to work or school? Richard: 35 miles Fenella: 1/2 mile Children: 10 miles 5. What kinds of transportation do you use? How much time is spent in transport? Richard uses public transport 6 hours/week. Fenella uses our family car. Children take the school bus 5 hours/week. 6. Do you actively practice your religion? How does it affect your daily life and community? Yes. Alice is involved in a Christian youth group. Family Economics 7. Does your family consider itself rich or poor, comfortable or struggling? We consider ourselves comfortable. We survive without debts. 8. How many hours/week does each family member work? Richard: 42 hours/week Fenella: 17-27 hours/week